


這幾天領了錢終於可以買日思夜想的 【秋季最新款】 [107美國直購] 溫控器 AirPatrol WiFi. Smart Air Conditioner Controller for mini-split, window or portable AC -大家都搶買了~~

上網查了 【秋季最新款】 [107美國直購] 溫控器 AirPatrol WiFi. Smart Air Conditioner Controller for mini-split, window or portable AC -大家都搶買 相關的評價,推薦,開箱文,價格,報價,比較,規格,推薦!

經過多方比較後,發現【秋季最新款】 [107美國直購] 溫控器 AirPatrol WiFi. Smart Air Conditioner Controller for mini-split, window or portable AC -大家都搶買居然曾造成搶購熱潮,實在是居家必備好物

用網購的方式買【秋季最新款】 [107美國直購] 溫控器 AirPatrol WiFi. Smart Air Conditioner Controller for mini-split, window or portable AC -大家都搶買,價格也很實在,重點是買的安心,到貨的速度還滿快的,










AirPatrol WiFi. Smart Air Conditioner Controller for mini-split, window or portable AC. iOS/Android Compatible, US Version, Works with Amazon Alexa with IFTTTPlug & Play - installation takes just a few minutes, works on both iOS & Android. Works with all major AC brands. See below.
Smart and Pre-programmed - Brands, Models, Commands. No need to 'teach' the system. Makes new and old split-, window-, portable AC smart.
熱賣商品首選 IFTTT - connects to other Smart home devices with IFTTT, like Amazon Alexa, Google Home and many others. Adds voice commands, location based on/off.
Built in - temperature and humidity sensors, intuitive daily, weekly, yearly in App scheduling, outdoor temperature and forecast, push notifications to smartphone app. High/low temp. and humidity, connection state, free controller software updates from manufacturer.From the manufacturerAirPatrol produces innovative solutions for controlling and monitoring your air conditioner and home energy consumption via smartphone app. AirPatrol always follows three important points that help to create good customer oriented solutions:AirPatrol products help to save energy (money)
AirPatrol makes life comfortable
AirPatrol products are easy to set up
AirPatrol devices have been thoroughly tested for several years in harsh climate conditions with very positive customer feedback.
AirPatrol WiFi
AirPatrol WiFi is an ideal device to control and monitor your home climate with your smartphone. AirPatrol WiFi connects wirelessly to your home AC, mini-split, window AC and makes it smart. You will be in control of the temperature and humidity by changing AC’s mode, temperature, fan speed and swing. AirPatrol WiFi lets you know if the temperature is too high or low. In case temperature is not a problem it also notifies about low/high humidity, connection status and when you should clean AC filters.特惠組合暢銷排行 You may set calendar based timers for more convenient and automatic usage and even check local outdoor weather from the intuitive free smartphone application.Control & Monitor home climate by controlling your AC, window AC, mini-split
Change the mode, temperature, fan speed and swing of your AC
Save money and energy while making life more comfortable
Easy plug&play set-up. No long manuals, just simple 4 step installation.
Works with your home WiFi network
AirPatrol Mobile applicationScientific studies show that you can reduce the heating energy requirements of your home by 20-25% through smart control of the heat source (e.g. A/C or heat pump). Lowering set temperatures in your home for periods of absence reduces the energy consumption needed for heating. The more frequently you leave your home and the longer you are absent, the larger the system’s potential energy savings are.Be in control even if you are not at home! Set up notifications so that you know when temperature or humidity exceeds the comfort zone or even prevent dangerously high/low temperatures and humidity. It is good to know when to clean up your AC, service message notification will help you out! Sometimes power outages and internet failures occour and AirPatrol will always inform you when connection is lost.With AirPatrol, you can set automatic time cues for your A/C or heat pump. For example, pre-set a command that lowers your room temperature during night time and put this on repeat for the whole week. Lowering your room temperature by only 1°C will save you 5% more money. Studies also show that cooler room temperature for the night time enhances quality of sleep and being able to save money in the process - it's a win-win.How it works?
AirPatrol WiFi uses wireless channels for communication: strong WiFi cloud network between smartphone and AirPatrol and IR between AC and AirPatrol.Installation takes just a few minutes and it works with all known air conditioners.1. Just place and plug in AirPatrol WiFi near your AC2. Download the free app from GooglePlay Store / iTunes Store精選必買3. Pair AirPatrol WiFi with your smartphone and follow the instructions.
Product description
省荷包限定折扣價 Product Description
AirPatrol is a designer and manufacturer of connected Smart Energy saving devices. AirPatrol WiFi is an ideal device to control and monitor your home climate with your smartphone or through any other IFTTT platform connected appliances. AirPatrol WiFi connects wirelessly to your split-, window-, or portable AC and makes it smart. You will be in control of the temperature and humidity by scheduling, changing AC’s mode, temperature, fan speed and swing. AirPatrol WiFi lets you know if the temperature is too high or low. In case temperature is not a problem it also notifies about low/high humidity, connection status and when you should clean AC filters. You may set calendar based timers for more convenient and automatic usage and even check local outdoor weather from the intuitive free smartphone application.From the ManufacturerPlay Video

AirPatrol WiFi makes your new or old AC / heat pump smart and connects it to other Smart Home devices.
Plug & Play - installation takes just a few minutes, works on both iOS & Android Pre installed - Brands, Models, Commands. No need to 'teach' the system Compatibility - works with all major AC brands. See below. IFTTT - connects to other Smart home devices with IFTTT, like Amazon Alexa, Google Home and many others. Voice commands - when connected with IFTTT Location based on/off - over IFTTT Smart - makes new and old split-, window-, portable AC smart. Control anywhere - easy App control from anywhere with iOS and Android Sensors - built in temperature and humidity sensors Scheduling - intuitive daily, weekly, yearly in App scheduling. Alarms/Notifications - push notifiactions to smartphone app. High/low temp. and humidity, connection state In App outdoor temperature and forecast Updates - free controller software updates from manufacturer Save money - using a smart AC controller can reduce energy consumption up to 25%. This means it can pay for itself in about 18 months Plus - the extra security and comfort is priceless
AirPatrol Wifi smart and connected thermostat lets you control any type of a ductless AC with Smartphone or any other IFTTT connected Smart Home device from anywhere.
The set-up is really easy and free mobile app quides you through the process in easy 4 steps. Just make sure taht you AC has a remote controller as the communication between the controller unit and AC takes place through the same IR channel. AirPatrol products are made of premium high quality components. Our controllers have been tested in laboratories and harsh winter and summer conditions over a long period of time. Most of the manufacturers have tested and approved our WiFi controller.Simple installation
AirPatrol WiFi can be installed for almost any split-type air-to-air AC / heat pump model. Setting up the controller takes just a few minutes. Just make sure your AC comes with a remote controller.活動商品便宜Create automatic schedules
Logical and intuitive. AirPatrol WiFi allows you to set up 4 timer commands per each day. So it can do its magic while you are doing things that matter moreSuitable for almost all AC / heat pump brands and models
All most popular models are supported just out of the box. No teaching, coding, messing with complicated manuals needed. Just plug in and start using. If you do not find your brand use 'Generic' form the menu.Smart systems made simple.
The world of IoT (the internet of things) has been exploding in recent years. AirPatrol, Estonia and US based startup, has taken advantage of the market trend and has been quietly cruising under the radar for the past five years. Airpatrol has been dominating the Nordic market and are now looking to expand. The company was founded in late 2011 by the current CEO, Daniel Dordett, after seeing a gap in the HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) market. Potential target customers needed a way to remotely control their ACs or heat pumps, but there was nothing on the market. So he decided to solve this problem – he built the first prototype and launched it within eight months, allowing users to control any heat pump or AC from their mobile phone from anywhere in the world connected through a mobile network. This went on to become the startup’s first product and its best-selling one to date. Dordett says: “Be honest with yourself, your employees, and your company. Be creative and explore all possible options and channels. Be a hustler, and by that I mean: do whatever is necessary to push your company forward. Not a hustler company but a hustler boss. Solve a pain in the market, no matter how big or small, and make sure to always listen to your customers”About the StartupDescribe your product in 3 words.Smartest AC controlHow did you come up with the idea for this product?AirPatrol started with a simple idea of solving a problem many were having in Nordics at the time: a way to control your heat pump/AC while you were away from home. From this idea theASIN B00P2KP0MQ



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【秋季最新款】 [107美國直購] 溫控器 AirPatrol WiFi. Smart Air Conditioner Controller for mini-split, window or portable AC -大家都搶買好用嗎,【秋季最新款】 [107美國直購] 溫控器 AirPatrol WiFi. Smart Air Conditioner Controller for mini-split, window or portable AC -大家都搶買評價怎麼樣, 【秋季最新款】 [107美國直購] 溫控器 AirPatrol WiFi. Smart Air Conditioner Controller for mini-split, window or portable AC -大家都搶買 去哪買?,【秋季最新款】 [107美國直購] 溫控器 AirPatrol WiFi. Smart Air Conditioner Controller for mini-split, window or portable AC -大家都搶買 比較評比, 【秋季最新款】 [107美國直購] 溫控器 AirPatrol WiFi. Smart Air Conditioner Controller for mini-split, window or portable AC -大家都搶買 使用評比, 【秋季最新款】 [107美國直購] 溫控器 AirPatrol WiFi. Smart Air Conditioner Controller for mini-split, window or portable AC -大家都搶買 開箱文, 【秋季最新款】 [107美國直購] 溫控器 AirPatrol WiFi. Smart Air Conditioner Controller for mini-split, window or portable AC -大家都搶買 推薦, 【秋季最新款】 [107美國直購] 溫控器 AirPatrol WiFi. Smart Air Conditioner Controller for mini-split, window or portable AC -大家都搶買 評測文, 【秋季最新款】 [107美國直購] 溫控器 AirPatrol WiFi. Smart Air Conditioner Controller for mini-split, window or portable AC -大家都搶買 CP值, 【秋季最新款】 [107美國直購] 溫控器 AirPatrol WiFi. Smart Air Conditioner Controller for mini-split, window or portable AC -大家都搶買 評鑑大隊, 【秋季最新款】 [107美國直購] 溫控器 AirPatrol WiFi. Smart Air Conditioner Controller for mini-split, window or portable AC -大家都搶買 部落客推薦


 瓜地馬拉火山猛烈噴發 岩漿侵蝕村莊釀25死300傷

瓜地馬拉的富埃戈火山(Volcán de Fuego)周日猛烈爆發,噴出滾燙的紅色熔岩及大量黑煙,造成25人喪生、約300人受傷,官方表示,死亡人數仍可能進一步攀升。由於火山噴發伴隨大量火山灰,另有3100人撤離家園。

綜合外媒報導,富埃戈火山在當地時間3日爆發近年來最猛烈的一次噴發,灰燼、石礫和熔岩流襲擊附近的羅迪歐(Rodeo)、阿洛特南戈(Alotenango)、聖米格爾羅斯洛提(San Miguel los Lotes)等村莊,造成許多村民逃生不及葬身火窟,還有孩童疑似在觀看火山爆發時遭濺射飛石擊斃,另有多人遭灼傷,並至少摧毀一座橋樑。一名倖存者艾南迪斯(Consuelo Hernandez)描述了火山爆發時的恐怖景象。她表示:「熔岩漿沿著玉米田傾瀉而下,村民們嚇得朝一座小山跑去。」接著她告訴災區官員「有我些親戚被活埋了。」她認為有更多人和她親戚一樣來不及逃生。












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