這幾天領了錢終於可以買日思夜想的 【非逛不可】 [107美國直購] 溫控器 Tado Smart Air Conditioner and Heater Controller, Wi-Fi, Compatible with iOS and Android, Works with Alexa -要去哪裡買?了~~
上網查了 【非逛不可】 [107美國直購] 溫控器 Tado Smart Air Conditioner and Heater Controller, Wi-Fi, Compatible with iOS and Android, Works with Alexa -要去哪裡買? 相關的評價,推薦,開箱文,價格,報價,比較,規格,推薦!
經過多方比較後,發現【非逛不可】 [107美國直購] 溫控器 Tado Smart Air Conditioner and Heater Controller, Wi-Fi, Compatible with iOS and Android, Works with Alexa -要去哪裡買?居然曾造成搶購熱潮,實在是居家必備好物
用網購的方式買【非逛不可】 [107美國直購] 溫控器 Tado Smart Air Conditioner and Heater Controller, Wi-Fi, Compatible with iOS and Android, Works with Alexa -要去哪裡買?,價格也很實在,重點是買的安心,到貨的速度還滿快的,

折扣情報搶先看Tado Smart Air Conditioner and Heater Controller, Wi-Fi, Compatible with iOS and Android, Works with Alexa
Works with Alexa for voice control (Alexa device sold separately).
Connects your smartphone to your air conditioner or heat pump and turns it into a smart device. Experience a new level of comfort with automatic location-based AC control.
Control your AC from anywhere with the tado° app: Turn it on and off or change the settings in the app from anywhere, at any time.
Power supply: AC 120 / 240 Volts, 5 Volts USB power supply. Saves up to 40% on your AC energy costs. tado° can pay for itself in less than a year. The app gives you instant access to reports showing temperature and cooling activity as well as savings.
Smart Home Integration: Control your AC with your voice, using Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant, or bring products and web services together to create new scenarios with IFTTT. Free app for iOS, Android, and Windows
The Smart AC Control works with all air conditioners with a remote control that displays the air conditioner’s current settings (for example mode, target temperature and fan speed).
From the manufacturer
Headquartered in Munich, tado°, the European market leader in intelligent home climate control solutions, was founded in 2011. tado° revolutionizes the way energy is consumed at home. The tado° app uses geofencing to automatically adjust the temperature based on the residents’ locations. This enables households to significantly save on energy costs while reaching a higher level of comfort.
Designed in Munich. Assembled in the E.U.
tado° Smart AC Control - intelligent AC control with geofencing via smartphone
Time for Smart Air Conditioning
The tado° Smart AC Control connects your smartphone to your air conditioner or heat pump. Using your phone’s location, it automatically pre-cools before somebody gets home and turns off when everybody has left. You can also manually control your AC from wherever you are with the mobile app on your smartphone or tablet. This can reduce your AC energy costs.
The Smart AC Control controls the AC via infrared signals and connects to your home Wi-Fi. The installation is very easy. Because tado° can learn remote control.
commands via our leading teaching procedure, you can easily teach tado°.
the commands of y最近流行商品網路人氣商品top10our old remote control.
Smart AC Control
USB cable
Power adapter
Sticky pads x2
For remote-controlled air conditioners
Works with all air conditioners with a remote control that displays the air conditioner’s current settings (for example mode, target temperature and fan speed).
Supported brands: Daikin, Mitsubishi, Panasonic, Toshiba, LG, General Electric, Samsung, Fujitsu and many more, as long as the remote is the type shown above.
Control from anywhere
Turn the AC on and off or change the settings in the app from anywhere, at any time.
Uses your phone’s location to automatically adjust the AC, cooling down before you get home and turning off when you are away.
Energy savings
Save on your AC energy costs.
More comfort
Have your home always at the perfect temperature - no schedules, no teaching, no need to remember to turn it off. tado° does all the work - automatically.
便宜團購省錢妙招Insightful Reports
Get instant access to reports showing temperature and cooling activity, as well as your expected savings.
Smart Schedule
Set personalized schedules with different temperatures at different times of the day to suit your needs.
發燒好康折價券代碼Multi-Room Control
Control multiple rooms from one app. If you have multiple ACs in different parts of your home, then you can set each one up with a Smart AC Control for independent multi-zone control from your phone.
Supports heating
If your air conditioner or heat pump can also act as a heater, the Smart AC Control will be able to control it. On colder days tado° preheats your home, so that it is nice and warm when you return.
Product description
The tado° Smart AC Control connects your smartphone to your air conditioner. Through the use of your phone’s location, it automatically pre-cools before you get home and turns off when you leave. Allowing you to control your air conditioner from wherever you are, it works with most remote-controlled air conditioners and connects to your home’s Wi-Fi.
Product information
Technical Details
Part Number AC01-TC-US-03
Item Weight 14.4 ounces
Product Dimensions 3.9 x 3.9 x 0.5 inches
Item model number AC01-TC-US-03
Color White
Item Package Quantity 1
Display Style Digital
Special Features heater
Batteries Included? No
Batteries Required? No
Warranty Description Limited 1year

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【非逛不可】 [107美國直購] 溫控器 Tado Smart Air Conditioner and Heater Controller, Wi-Fi, Compatible with iOS and Android, Works with Alexa -要去哪裡買?好用嗎,【非逛不可】 [107美國直購] 溫控器 Tado Smart Air Conditioner and Heater Controller, Wi-Fi, Compatible with iOS and Android, Works with Alexa -要去哪裡買?評價怎麼樣, 【非逛不可】 [107美國直購] 溫控器 Tado Smart Air Conditioner and Heater Controller, Wi-Fi, Compatible with iOS and Android, Works with Alexa -要去哪裡買? 去哪買?,【非逛不可】 [107美國直購] 溫控器 Tado Smart Air Conditioner and Heater Controller, Wi-Fi, Compatible with iOS and Android, Works with Alexa -要去哪裡買? 比較評比, 【非逛不可】 [107美國直購] 溫控器 Tado Smart Air Conditioner and Heater Controller, Wi-Fi, Compatible with iOS and Android, Works with Alexa -要去哪裡買? 使用評比, 【非逛不可】 [107美國直購] 溫控器 Tado Smart Air Conditioner and Heater Controller, Wi-Fi, Compatible with iOS and Android, Works with Alexa -要去哪裡買? 開箱文, 【非逛不可】 [107美國直購] 溫控器 Tado Smart Air Conditioner and Heater Controller, Wi-Fi, Compatible with iOS and Android, Works with Alexa -要去哪裡買? 推薦, 【非逛不可】 [107美國直購] 溫控器 Tado Smart Air Conditioner and Heater Controller, Wi-Fi, Compatible with iOS and Android, Works with Alexa -要去哪裡買? 評測文, 【非逛不可】 [107美國直購] 溫控器 Tado Smart Air Conditioner and Heater Controller, Wi-Fi, Compatible with iOS and Android, Works with Alexa -要去哪裡買? CP值, 【非逛不可】 [107美國直購] 溫控器 Tado Smart Air Conditioner and Heater Controller, Wi-Fi, Compatible with iOS and Android, Works with Alexa -要去哪裡買? 評鑑大隊, 【非逛不可】 [107美國直購] 溫控器 Tado Smart Air Conditioner and Heater Controller, Wi-Fi, Compatible with iOS and Android, Works with Alexa -要去哪裡買? 部落客推薦
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